Devlog #4: Character Mechanics

In our ongoing game development project, we have been focusing on two exciting mechanics: a hammer that can lift the other player and a hook that can pull the other player. Here’s a detailed update on their development progress.


The hammer mechanic allows players to lift their partner off the ground, as well as themselves, making it possible to reach new areas in the future. Press 'K' to perform a higher lift than a regular jump,  bringing your partner with you only if they are close enough.

Hook (Arrow with rope)

The hook mechanic enables players to pull their partner closer, allowing for lifting him up and also making the other player gain speed.

What's Next

In the next devlog, we plan to introduce a proper map, along with both win and lose conditions that will shape the structure of the game. We will also be further developing both mechanics to ensure they look as clean as possible by adjusting parameters and fixing any bugs that may occur. Stay tuned for the more updates!

Get Hammer and Hook: Escape from Hell

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