Devlog #3: Mechanics Progress

In this update, we have been developing some of the main functionalities for the player, such as the skills section and the basic attack animation and mechanics. Since the innovative aspect of this auto-shooter game involves drawing skills on a specific part of the screen, we have been discussing how to approach this considering the player will spend most of their time focusing on that area. After considering several options, we decided that allowing the user to lock the cursor on the screen would be ideal for multitasking between the basic attack, movement, and abilities simultaneously.

Basic Attack

As mentioned earlier, we have developed the basic attack for the character. Currently, it consists of a type of arrow that explodes upon contact with enemies. The player can also lock/unlock their cursor with right-click showing a green godot, enabling them to shoot at that part of the screen and interact with the skills area on the right side without having to worry about always shooting to the right side of the screen.

Skills Interface

The skills interface has improved since the last update. We have added some sprites and three different colors that the player can switch between using the "Q" and "E" keys. Additionally, we have fixed some bugs in the drawing area, making it more comfortable to create any desired pattern.

First Taste of the Map

We have begun developing the map! At this stage, it only has its basic shape and some statues and a piano in the center, which you can interact with.

First Threat

Lastly, we have introduced a static enemy that can take damage from basic attacks and also inflict damage on the player upon contact.


A Painter's Nightmare ALPHA Ver 1.1 68 MB
Apr 29, 2024

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