Devlog #5: Artistry in Action

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since the last devlog, but we finally have some interesting updates related to the gameplay part of the game :0. First, we'd like to introduce to everyone, once and for all, the name of the game, which is "A Painter's Nightmare". This is obviously inspired by our main protagonist Hieronymus Bosch (not present yet), suffering a nightmare where he is in a mysterious castle confronting enemies and having the ability to produce skills through painting in a grid.

Also, as mentioned in the previous devlog, the game is now completely playable at a basic level, including the main part of it, which is the drawing grid where you can activate powers.

Game condition

The winning condition is simple: survive for 10 minutes waves of enemies. If you die, you lose.

Painting Skills

We've refined the grid throughout every week of this project, resulting in this beautiful grid where the available powers are displayed at the bottom of the picture. With the keys Q and E, the player is able to change the color of the paint. Currently, only the first and second power are functional. To activate the powers, first, you need to draw the corresponding one and then release it with the SPACE BAR (you can also notice its availability because it lights up the skill at the bottom).

Power 1

It releases four beams in four directions (up, down, right, left), dealing damage to the enemies spawning on the screen.

Power 2

Creates a fire wave around the player dealing damage to enemies surrounding the player.

What's next

Although this version of the game is playable at a minimal level, we promised three powers. So, as planned, we're going to be working hard on completing all of them alongside refining our game even further (fixing bugs, improving visibility and comfort, adding new enemies, adding assets, etc.), knowing there might be some bugs that we haven't even noticed yet. Stay tuned for the next devlog for more exciting news on our beloved game :).


A Painter's Nightmare ALPHA Ver 2.0 68 MB
Jun 04, 2024

Get A Painter's Nightmare

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