Devlog #4: Interface and Level Design

Hi again, we're excited to announce that the entire map is finally finished :D. Additionally, we've designed some UI for the main menu of the game, and the player can now pause the game while playing. Next, we're going to show some of the main rooms involved in the map and, at the end, a brief view of the main menu.


First, regarding the map, we've tried to think about what kind of atmosphere our main character Bosch would be moving around in, considering some of the mental conditions discussed in one of the previous devlogs. After some discussion, we've decided on a castle-like map with different rooms, taking into account the century and time period Bosch was involved in.


This is just a basic room with a bed and some furniture, making it more alive and interactive for the player.


We've included a church-like room with chairs, pianos, statues, and other furnitures inside the castle.


A kitchen with furniture related to bottles and stoves.

Main menu

For now, you can only start the game and exit it from the main menu. In the future, we plan to add credits and possibly a configuration option so the player can change controls.

Lastly, we encourage everyone to explore the map because there are other rooms that were not included and might be as interesting as these :). Finally, we invite everyone to stay tuned for the next devlog because the game is going to take a huge step in development by implementing skills, enemies (p.s. there are two enemies which follow the player and can be killed with one shot), and win/lose conditions.


A Painter's Nightmare ALPHA Ver 1.2 68 MB
May 19, 2024

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