Devlog #7: End of Beginning

Just like most things, they come to an end, and so does this journey. We've been working diligently on the game since the previous devlog, aiming to make it more engaging, fun to play, and interesting all at once. We believe we've gotten really close to achieving those goals. In fact, we consider everything we promised previously to be done, except for one thing.

General Updates

Firstly, the entire game scene has been beautified. We have added lighting to props, enemies, and the main character. Additionally, background music has been included in every scene, along with sound effects for basic attacks and skills. We have also updated the GUI for the timer at the top of the screen and the skills board on the right. Lastly, we have balanced numerous aspects such as HP, speed, damage, etc., to ensure the game feels appropriately challenging.


Firstly, our main character is complete, but instead of being Bosch, it's now a wizard! We initially promised Hieronymus Bosch, but unfortunately, we couldn't find any assets that resembled him. Therefore, we decided to change the character to a wizard. For lore enthusiasts, we've established that our character is indeed Hieronymus Bosch, but in a dream where he is a wizard casting spells periodically and using skills based on his drawing abilities. :)

Skills Updates

As mentioned before, we added lighting to props and enemies, and skills weren't left behind. Each skill now emits light according to its color (or combination of colors) upon release. Additionally, we have modified the third skill. Originally, it launched five fireballs in random directions around the player; now it throws a cluster of ten fireballs in the direction of the mouse.

Skill 2 (red) and 3 (blue) being released with purple color 

More Enemies!

More enemies have joined the castle. Alongside the satyr enemy presented in the previous devlog, we have added a flying demon, three variations of slimes (red, blue, and white). These slimes can only be killed with their corresponding color or a combination of colors (for example, a red slime can be defeated with a skill using red paint or a combination like red + blue = purple, etc.). Additionally, we introduced a necromancer boss who features three different attack patterns and enters an enraged mode when his HP drops to 25%.

Upgrades (NEW)

Alongside the anticipated changes from the previous devlog, we've implemented upgrades in our game that trigger every minute. The player must choose between three random upgrades or skip if necessary.

Tutorial (NEW)

There's now a tutorial available that explains how to play and includes some dummy enemies for you to practice your skills on.

Last Words

With this final update, we've reached the end of this exciting development journey. We've diligently worked to enhance every aspect of the game, from the scenery to the characters and their abilities. We firmly believe we've achieved our goals of making the game more engaging, enjoyable, and captivating. We deeply appreciate your support and hope you enjoy this enhanced version of the game!

Best regards,

bitCrawler Studios


A Painter's Nightmare 154 MB
65 days ago

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